- Christopher Landau, United States Ambassador to Mexico, visits the state of Guanajuato.
- The Governor highlights the close collaboration relationship between Guanajuato and the United States.
- The Scientific Investigation Services Building of the State Attorney General’s Office is inaugurated.

Guanajuato, Gto. October 1, 2020.- Guanajuato and the United States strengthen ties of friendship and cooperation in trade and investment with the visit of Christopher Landau, US Ambassador to Mexico, to our entity.

The State Governor, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, in the company of the President of the State DIF, Adriana Ramírez Lozano, welcomed the Ambassador to the Government Palace.
The President spoke with Christopher Landau in his office, and then they held a meeting in which the State Government Secretaries participated, Luis Ernesto Ayala Torres; of Sustainable Economic Development, Mauricio Usabiaga, and of the Migrant and International Link, Juan Hernández.

The meeting highlighted that the United States is Guanajuato’s main commercial partner. 80 percent of Guanajuato exports go to the American market. The sectors with the most links are automotive, food, agribusiness, personal care products, and footwear.
In the last 20 years, the United States has made investments in Guanajuato for more than 9 thousand 144 million dollars, which has resulted in more than 43 thousand 327 new jobs.

Guanajuato has the second-largest community of reissued Americans in Mexico. And there is a strong presence of Guanajuato migrants living in the American Union.
The Institute of Planning, Statistics, and Geography of the State of Guanajuato (IPLANEG) estimates that there are more than 1 million people born in Guanajuato residing in the United States of America.
The Scientific Investigation Services Building of the State Attorney General’s Office is inaugurated.

The Governor, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo; the US Ambassador to Mexico, Christopher Landau, and the Attorney General of Guanajuato, Carlos Zamarripa Aguirre, inaugurated the Scientific Investigation Services Building of the State Attorney General’s Office.
The US Ambassador to Mexico, Christopher Landau, recognized the state of Guanajuato as a model to follow in the collaborative work between Mexico and the United States in matters of security and economic development.

“I congratulate the Guanajuato because they work shoulder to shoulder to improve the entire state and they should be proud of their state of Guanajuato, for me it is an example for Mexico.”
The Scientific Investigation Services Building of the State Attorney General’s Office is the result of the solid collaboration that has been established with Guanajuato in terms of training, certification, and equipment in matters of security and law enforcement.

“The Government of the United States has not stopped supporting Guanajuato and proof of this are the 11 laboratories of different forensic disciplines that are internationally accredited, thanks to the joint work of the Merida Initiative and the Mexican authorities; Guanajuato is a state where the integration that exists between the two countries is clearly perceived ”, he concluded.
For his part, the State President said that Guanajuato has had the support and collaboration of the Embassy of the United States of America, thanks to this, the entity has the best police in Mexico and this is due to the participation of organizations as the Accreditation Commission for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA).

“If today the Guanajuato Penitentiary System is one of the best evaluated in the country, it is due to the training and certification of the American Corrections Association (ACA); If today Guanajuato is the state with the lowest level of impunity, much is due to the training in the International Criminal Investigation Assistance and Training Program of the United States Department of Justice ”.
He said that the Scientific Investigation Services Building of the State Attorney General’s Office is at the height of the best in the world, and has the support of the Embassy of the United States of America, which supported with equipment for the laboratories.

“These are the alliances and cooperation that Mexico and the United States need to advance on the path of progress, of peace and tranquility; cooperation agreements that are a sign that Mexico and the United States are not only economic and strategic partners; we are also good neighbors and supportive friends ”, he pointed out.
The Scientific Research Services Building integrates Forensic Chemistry, Genetics, Ballistics, Lofoscopy, Questioned Documents, and Forensic Informatics Laboratories; All these spaces are internationally certified by the accreditation body of the United States ANAB, under the ISO / IEC 17025 and ISO / IEC 17020 standards.

Also here are the Dead Persons Investigation Unit, necropsy room, Forensic Psychological Evaluation Unit, Forensic Audio Laboratories, Innovation, Anthropology, Histopathology, and Dentistry; Centralized Expert Services of Agronomy, Accounting, Topography, Translations, Dictamination, and Facts.
The State Governor and the US Ambassador to Mexico also visited the C5i facilities, where they toured this center, which is one of the most important at the national level.
Similarly, Rodríguez Vallejo and Christopher Landau were at the NUCOR company’s production plant, located in the FIPASI Industrial Park, which is one of the US companies that generates a large number of jobs for Guanajuato.

Guanajuato, due to its location, logistics, and quality of the workforce, has established itself as an attractive entity for US investors.
Source: boletines.guanajuato.gob.mx