Tepoztlán welcomes visitors with pleasant weather and celebrations in the San Miguel neighborhood


This weekend there was a moderate influx of people in the center of Tepoztlán, where visitors and tourists took advantage of the good weather that there was during the day, after several rainy days.

One of the places with the greatest influx is the new Municipal Market, located on Arq. Pablo González Street, behind the Museum and Documentation Center of the Ex-Convent of the Nativity.

This market was inaugurated exactly a month ago and has become one of the main attractions for visitors, since the view it offers allows them to appreciate the natural beauty of Tepoztlán, its hills and mountains, which, especially on this day, looked wonderful thanks to the good weather.

In this space you can find a variety of food stalls, from traditional itacates to pre-Hispanic food and vegetarian options.

Due to the view from the top of the market, with the letters “Tepoztlán” and “I love Tepoztlán”, visitors take advantage to take a souvenir photo.

Festivities for San Miguel

Likewise, some of the visitors and locals gathered at the entrance to the town, in the San Miguel neighborhood, where the celebration of the patron saint’s day takes place with live music and, later, with the burning of the bull.

San Miguel Arcángel Celebrated in Tepoztlán

During this weekend, there were also those who took advantage of the opportunity to walk through the streets of the center and climb the Tepozteco, enjoying the view and the sunny atmosphere that this day offered, after having spent several rainy days due to the weather conditions caused by Hurricane John, which strongly impacted Guerrero and generated heavy rains in much of Morelos.

Despite the good weather and the calm atmosphere, the main streets of downtown Tepoztlán looked clear, with few visitors.

It is expected that there will be more people on Sunday, which is the main day of the patron saint’s day in the San Miguel neighborhood, as well as on Monday and Tuesday, due to the long weekend for the mandatory rest following the change of sexennium.

Source: elsoldecuernavaca