Guanajuato seeks 10 police commanders to pacify the state

Guanajuato busca 10 mandos policiales para pacificar el estado

“This is what it is like to wake up today, October 24, in Acámbaro, Guanajuato. I don’t know how safe we ​​are,” says a woman who tries to describe the scene before her: burnt metal from a car that exploded a few meters from where she was sleeping with her daughters and the rubble from the facade of her house.

Libia Dennise García Muñoz Ledo completes one month as governor in the midst of a crisis of violence that arose from the first coordinated actions with the federal government of the new security strategy. The explosion of car bombs in Acámbaro and Jerécuaro shook the population and the authorities themselves.

Source: proceso