Urban artists transform walls in the Guadalupe neighborhood of San Miguel de Allende


Urban artists have returned to the walls of the Guadalupe neighborhood in San Miguel de Allende to express their art and add new works to the cultural heritage that characterizes this area. A dozen creators from different states of the country are participating in this meeting convened by COcelotl.

What began as a cultural project has evolved to become the identity of a community proud to exhibit urban art in impressive murals.

In this edition, 10 artists from Morelos, Puebla, Veracruz, Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosí, Mexico City and Guanajuato joined the effort, creating five new murals on walls that had not previously been used as canvases.

Alejandro Cortés, better known as Boomzer, from the Murales Ocelotl collective, highlighted the joint effort between the community and the collective to carry out this initiative.

“The community organized itself to resume these artistic activities. Murales Guadalupe provides us with donations to purchase materials, and we look for sponsors to cover needs such as food, paint, scaffolding and other supplies,” he explained.

On this occasion, the new works are located on four different streets in the Guadalupe neighborhood. The intention was to take advantage of new spaces instead of modifying existing murals, providing new challenges and opportunities for the artists and avoiding centralizing the works.

“It is an urban art meeting, and that is our proposal: to reactivate and position San Miguel as an important point for urban art and graffiti,” added Boomzer.

Expansion to more neighborhoods and rural communities

The Murales Ocelotl collective seeks to expand this project to other neighborhoods and rural communities in San Miguel de Allende. To do so, they are working on adding new sponsors with the goal of organizing an even larger meeting next year.

“It would be ideal if more people from the San Miguel community joined this type of initiative. Our goal is to enrich the art and culture of San Miguel and to ensure that this proposal expands to other areas,” said the representative of the group.

Source: periodicocorreo