Metropolitan Park of Leon Guanajuato plans expansion


In the Japanese Park there is a Zen Garden, a lake, a garden with jacarandas and a connection with the Casuarinas Forest

Planean ampliación en el Parque Metropolitano de León - Noticieros En Línea

By 2021, the Leon Metropolitan Park Board of Trustees intends to expand the facilities of said ecological enclosure by 20 more hectares, and also with the development of a Japanese park, for both projects 64 million pesos are required.

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This was explained by the director Germán Enríquez, who pointed out that these are strategic projects that are part of the master plan, the first is called “Rambla” in 20 hectares of the north of the park, for which the executive project is already ready and explained that it would be developed in stages, with a total cost of 54 million pesos.

Aura Arquitectos. Despacho de arquitectos en León, Guanajuato, Diseño  arquitectónico proyectos integrales, restauración de fincas, planeación  urbana, diseño urbano, planeación de vialidad y transporte en León,  Guanajuato.

“The first stage consists of the Rambla that seeks to unite this new access that has much more capacity than the current access of Amazonas, through this connection of the track and the current park”.

Parque Aventura - Parque Metropolitano - Panoramas con Niños

The second project is intended to be financed by private initiative, but 10 million pesos are needed to develop it, since it is a Japanese park.

“We have there a distribution already planned where we contemplate both a Zen Garden, a lake, a garden with jacarandas, a connection with the Casuarinas Forest, which gives this place a lot of mysticism.”

The preliminary project for the Japanese Garden has just concluded, which has already been approved by the Metropolitan Council and will be developed on a hectare that is currently in disuse very close to the landfill.


San Miguel Post