Cañada de la Virgen archaeological site is just 30 minutes from San Miguel de Allende


Cañada de la Virgen is an Otomi archaeological site that has been recently excavated. Located in the state of Guanajuato, the site was first discovered 1998 and the official excavation by the National Institute of History and Anthropology began in 2002. Public access was first allowed in 2011.

Opened five years ago, Cañada de la Virgen features seven large pyramidal architectonic structures of different sizes, that were part of a city which flourished here between 540 and 1050 AD.

It is only 30 minutes outside San Miguel. Perched upon a small mesa surrounded by canyons, is made up of four patio/pyramid complexes, an ancient artificial pond and a ceremonial causeway covering the 16 hectares that is now government property.

Complex A, termed ‘The House of the Thirteen Heavens’, served as a horizon clock, an observatory and a burial ground for the elite. It is aligned to the rising and setting sun and the movements of Jupiter and Venus at auspicious moments related to the Otomi calendar.

Researchers also discovered Complex B, known as ‘The House of the Longest Night’, and Complex D, ‘The House of the Wind’.

Cañada de la virgen (photo: coyotecanyouadventures)

  The pyramid shows the perfect alignment of the Sun, the Moon and all but one planets in our Solar System at sunset during the Otomi New Year’s Eve, March 4 2011. The missing planet, Saturn, was located exactly 180º from the setting sun, just at the visual beginning of the ritual causeway to the site.   Guides can explain to detail about the ancient human remains discovered at the site.  

Pyramid Tour + Hiking in Coyote CanyonIncludes: transportation from San Miguel & back; entry fee to the pyramid; guided tour of the pyramid complex; travel insurance + transportation to Coyote Canyon for the Ranch Style Meal previously mentioned + leisurely guided hike to the canyon’s upper rim and cliffs.

For more information go to Coyote Canyon Adventures

Source: Coyote Canyon Adventures

San Miguel Post