- Guanajuato serves the Social Tourism segment to ensure that the sector, inhabitants and tourists benefit from Tourism.
- SECTUR aims to create a more resilient, inclusive and competitive tourism sector.
León, Guanajuato, September 27, 2021. The Secretary of Tourism of the state of Guanajuato today celebrated “World Tourism Day” and called on the tourism sector and municipalities to promote the reconstruction of inclusive and sustainable destinations.
“This date has been celebrated for 41 years with the intention of raising awareness of the cultural, social, political and economic value of this activity as exciting and noble as tourism,” said Juan José Álvarez Brunel, Secretary of Tourism of the state of Guanajuato.
![May be an image of 2 people, people standing and text that says '27 SEPTIEMBRE Día Mundial Turjsmo del Turismo para un crec miento inclusivo ROFESIONALIZACIÓN EN EL MARCO DEL DÍA MUNDIAL DEL TURISMO 2021 SE LES INVITAA PARTICIPAR JORNADA DE CAPACITACIÓN TURÍSTICA INCLUSIÓN, PLANIFICACIÓN Y DIGITALIZACIÓN INSCRIPCIONES http://setur.guanajuato.gob.mx/ a-de-cap TRANSMISIÓN: 11:00 15:00 hrs. guanajuato.mx GTO MAYORES INFORMES: jrojas@guanajuato.gob.mx Guanajuato Vive Grandes Historias isto IuristaRESPONSABLE'](https://scontent.fmid2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/242212519_4650404778311072_4923762722398808554_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=ufo9sRqCSoYAX9n8CNX&_nc_ht=scontent.fmid2-1.fna&oh=80908b08d07eda4490753af09f2d0037&oe=61797478)
The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) proposed this year the theme “Tourism for inclusive growth” and, in response, SECTUR prepared a Tourism Training Day focused on Inclusion, Planning and Digitization, in a hybrid format, on the esplanade of the Lel District municipality of León.
With this same objective of the UNWTO, the teacher Álvarez Brunel pointed out that Guanajuato serves this segment of Social Tourism to ensure that all actors -sector, inhabitants and tourists- benefit from Tourism, an activity that generates jobs, distributes economic income and favors the protection of cultural and natural heritage.
“The state of Guanajuato received at the beginning of this month the diploma of adhesion to the International Organization of Social Tourism (ISTO, for its acronym in English), which has the mission of being the ‘international engine’ of all the actions carried out. carry out in favor of the conception, promotion, and dissemination of tourism within the reach of the greatest possible number of people ”, recalled the Secretary of Tourism.
“And today, from SECTUR, we focus our efforts. This collaborative work between Government and society and private initiative is essential to achieve the objectives. In these times, more than ever we must be united and collaborative, ”added Álvarez Brunel.
This celebration was attended by Héctor López Santillana, Mayor of León, who stressed that inclusion in the municipality is a fundamental issue if we want to be able to live again in a city with lasting peace.
“We have to work hard and firm to ensure that public services are equal to or of better quality than private ones, if we have a difference between what is public and what is private, we are laying the foundations of exclusion and inequality, and I mean education, health, and transportation, not just tourism, “added the mayor.
In a virtual way, Verónica Gómez Aguirre, director of ISTO, mentioned that from the perspective of the organization we highlight the importance of tourism being beneficial for everyone. “May this day reaffirm our commitment to leave no one behind, to have inclusive and sustainable cities for the benefit of all, to achieve that social transformation that can occur through Tourism.”
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José Grimaldo Colmenero, director of the Guanajuatense Institute for People with Disabilities (INGUDIS), said that talking about tourism for growth means traveling with dignity.
“Let us work so that tourist destinations and venues give us all the opportunity to enjoy the destination. We need the tourism union (restaurants, hoteliers, travel agencies …) to be able to tell the 15 million tourists with disabilities from America and Canada, who move through Latin America, that in Guanajuato we are ready ”, he concluded.
As part of the celebration, the teacher Álvarez Brunel presented the 1000 certificate of the “Training and Professionalization Program for the Tourism Sector 2021” to Julia Griselda Becerril Serrano, general director of the Hotel Nido de Colibrí, in Salvatierra Guanajuato. The program’s e l aim of boosting the competitiveness of the agents of the tourism value chain.
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Also present at the event were: Sandra Vázquez Flores, Executive Coordinator of the Guanajuato State Advisory Council (COTUEG); and Eduardo Arena Barroso, a businessman of the Aryba Group.
And in virtual format, it was present: María Isabel Ortiz, Secretary of the Environment and Territorial Planning of the state of Guanajuato (SMAOT).
The Ministry of Tourism has the objective of creating a more resilient, inclusive and competitive tourism sector, prepared so that no one is left behind when this activity – which contributes 8.3% of GDP to the state – reopens and faces the future.
The program was enriched with the following face-to-face and virtual presentations: “Inclusive Tourism and Universal Accessibility, a paradigm of opportunity for tourist destinations”, “Mentefactura and Industry 4.0 in the tourism sector”, “Sustainable Tourism, challenges and opportunities for the Guanajuato state, a 2021-2022 scenario ”,“ Sustainable case study presentation + Tourism = success2, and “Segments and Vocations, tourism planning taking care of its ecosystem”.
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