Silao-San Miguel de Allende highway begins construction in 2024


The bid for the construction of the Silao-San Miguel de Allende highway will be launched between July and September 2023 and construction will begin in the first half of 2024

Guanajuato. – The bid for the construction of the Silao-San Miguel de Allende highway will be launched for the third quarter of this year and during the first quarter of 2024 the ruling will be given, and work will begin, as reported during the appearance of Tarcisio Rodríguez, who is head of the SICOM Secretariat before the Congress of Guanajuato.

He added that the Silao-San Miguel de Allende highway and the expansion of the Dolores Hidalgo-San Miguel de Allende highway are major infrastructure projects of the government of Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo.

Tarsicio Rodríguez pointed out that the Silao-San Miguel de Allende highway will be concessioned to a private company and he said that regarding the previous studies: technical, legal, financial and environmental, there is an advance of 80 percent and “advance is being made in the release of via”.

The head of the SICOM Secretariat said regarding the previous studies that it will be a 30-year concession and the legal and financial studies are combined, “because for the concession document must be defined, the part of state and private investment, in addition to the level of service, maintenance and all coordination mechanisms”.

Dolores Hidalgo-San Miguel de Allende Highway

In what corresponds to the Dolores Hidalgo-San Miguel de Allende highway, Tarsicio Rodríguez said that it is a federal highway and in the already validated project it is projected to have a bicycle lane, adding that the cost estimated by the State Government is 2.7 billion of pesos.

He pointed out that by the second quarter of this year they would already be working on the bid.

The governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo has reported on various occasions that he has requested the Federal Government to transfer this highway to expand it to four lanes.

Tarcisio Rodríguez indicated that the SCT is willing to do so and that the corresponding agreement will be signed soon to make it possible.

Source: La Silla Rota