Sicarios gun down Jesús Alejandro Camacho, police high command of Guanajuato


The Operational Undersecretary of Public Security of Guanajuato Capital, Jesús Alejandro Camacho Escobar, was assassinated last Wednesday afternoon, March 22 in an armed attack.

The first reports indicate that the attack occurred around 5:15 p.m. in the state capital, on the road to Puentecillas, at Cereso in the capital.

According to preliminary information, the second in command of the Municipal Police of Guanajuato Capital, would have been attacked by subjects aboard a black Chevrolet Avalanche truck, who fled the scene and whose whereabouts have not been found yet.

After the attack against the police command, a search operation was deployed for the murderers in the southern part of the capital and in the accesses and exits of the city.

‘Cowardly attack’, answers the mayor of Guanajuato after the murder of Jesús Alejandro Camacho Escobar

The municipal president of the capital of Guanajuato, Alejandro Navarro Saldaña, confirmed the death of his police chief through his social networks.

“A couple of hours ago, my friend, the Operations Undersecretary of the Citizen Security Secretariat, Alejandro Camacho, who worked without fear and without rest for social peace in Guanajuato Capital, suffered a cowardly armed attack,” he said.

“I have known him for 28 years, since we were classmates during our university days. He is a person who deserved all my trust and all my respect, he distinguished himself for being a great family man, for being an honorable son and, above all, for being an incorruptible person. We are going to honor the memory of Alejandro Camacho and the value of the entire corporation to which we owe being the safest city in the state, we will continue working for Guanajuato and we will collaborate in everything necessary with the Prosecutor’s Office to punish this cowardly crime that it afflicts everyone” he added.

Who was Alejandro Camacho Escobar, Undersecretary of Security of Guanajuato?

Jesús Alejandro Camacho Escobar, who passed away at the age of 41, studied Law at the Centro de Estudios Superiores del Bajío from 2003 to 2007. In 2016, he enrolled in the Master’s Degree in Constitutional and Administrative Law at La Salle University.

From 2009 to 2014 he worked in the general collection administration of León as a tax lawyer.

Subsequently, he collaborated in the Ministry of Transparency and Accountability as a legal analyst, from June 2015 to August of that same year, and as a legal expert in the Ministry of Health of Guanajuato from September 2015 to 2017.

Jesús Alejandro Camacho Escobar was promoted to Operative Undersecretary of the Citizen Security Secretariat in Guanajuato Capital during the administration of PAN mayor Alejandro Navarro Saldaña.

There are 19 police officers murdered in Guanajuato so far, this year

According to the organization Causa en Común, Guanajuato has 19 police officers killed so far this year, in addition to two soldiers who were found dead, after being missing for several days.

Source: El Financiero