Longines FEI Jumping Nations Cup will take place from April 27 to 30 in San Miguel


Equestrian sport has a rich and diverse history, dating as far back as the ancient Olympic Games when chariot racing was one of the main spectacles as of 680 BC to the inclusion of Jumping, Dressage, and Eventing in 1912 following the revival of the modern Olympic Games in 1896. As you will see in the timeline below, the inclusion of equestrian sport in the Olympic Games then led to the creation of the FEI in 1921, as the necessity to have internationally approved rules and qualification systems was essential to the integrity of the competition.  

More than 100 years have passed since the FEI was created to oversee the Olympic disciplines of Jumping, Dressage, and Eventing with just 8 member signatories. Today, alongside the Olympic disciplines, the FEI also governs the non-Olympic disciplines of Driving, Endurance, and Vaulting as well as the Para-Equestrian disciplines of Dressage and Driving, and has 136 member National Federations.

Longines FEI Jumping Nations Cup, one of the most important equestrian events on the international agenda, will take place from April 27 to 30 in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato.

During the press conference to announce this sports event, Daniel Rihan Salum, president of the organizing committee, was present; Daniela García, director of the event; Juan Manuel Cossio Vásquez del Mercado, president of the Mexican Equestrian Federation; Rafael David Faes, administrative manager of the Mexican Equestrian Federation; and the Mexican rider Nicolás Pizarro.

Daniela García assured that this competition is the oldest and most prestigious of the International Equestrian Federation since it has been held for more than 100 years. “There are countries that have been organizing this contest for 106 years. It is the only one where the teams participate in this way, 4 riders from each country come together and they do it by nationality in search of being the best of the year”, she commented.

Juan Manuel Cossio Vásquez del Mercado, president of the Mexican Equestrian Federation, spoke about the change of headquarters now in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. “It is a pride that these events take place in Mexico. This cup was held for the first time in Mexico in 2014 in Coapexpan, Xalapa, thanks to the hospitality of the Chedraui family; We were there seven times and now that we are in San Miguel de Allende we confirm that it has many characteristics that we are looking for, both for the facilities and for what the colonial city offers, to show what Mexico is abroad”.

Daniel Riham Salum, president of the organizing committee, explained the importance of holding the meeting in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato. “This is one of the most prestigious events worldwide. Having the Longines FEI Nations Cup in Otomí Residencial Hípico and in San Miguel de Allende is a source of pride, because it is a spectacular place, considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world, which stands out for its gastronomy, its hotels, and the way it welcomes visitors. the people, who have made this event five stars and one of the best in the world”.

The cup is a family meeting, as expressed by Rafael David Faes, administrative manager of the Mexican Equestrian Federation since they are open to the interaction of children, beginner riders, those who have a long history, youth, and amateurs, with lower category tests at those of the grand prize, maintaining a first level standard throughout the contest.

Source: Publimetro

San Miguel Post