Real estate mafia in San Miguel de Allende


They point out that the Villarreal brothers have 31 criminal complaints for damages to the treasury.

This June 20 marks one year since the City Council of San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, exposed a network of corruption for the sale and rental of real estate carried out during the municipal administrations of Ricardo Villarreal (2015-2018) and Luis Alberto Villarreal (2018-2021), which was called by the people of San Miguel as “the real estate mafia.”

The brothers Ricardo (current federal deputy) and Luis Alberto Villarreal García, carried out multiple frauds related to diversion of money, unsuccessful purchases and contracts, which damaged the San Miguel public treasury for more than 160 million pesos.

Currently, the Villarreal brothers have 31 criminal complaints for damages to the San Miguel treasury, being demonstrated by the investigations carried out the fraudulent modus operandi that was the constant of their governments.

In essence, the Villarreal brothers put public land up for sale to individuals at a much lower cost: an example is the 21,000 m² that were sold to the company “Aurora Developers, S.A. de C.V.”, for 6 million 866 thousand pesos, when its commercial value was more than 20 million pesos. Likewise, they carried out exchanges of real estate with a very low value, to later deliver them at a much higher value, as well as the admission of subdivision donation areas in places prohibited by law or without any public utility. All these transactions were based on false appraisals, taking advantage of the sale of real estate at low cost for private benefit, in which the brothers Ricardo and Luis Villarreal were compensated with large “amounts of cash”.

It should be noted that most of these operations were carried out in August 2021, a few days after Luis Alberto Villarreal García ended his municipal administration.

All these complaints can lead to crimes of money laundering, action of resources of illicit origin, criminal association, patrimonial damage and abuse of authority against whoever is responsible.

With these actions, the Villarreal brothers are exposed as politicians who abused the power that the people of San Miguel granted them, causing serious damage to the municipality. We hope that the case does not go unpunished and that justice is done in honor of the truth and what is correct.

Source: MVS Noticias