LGBTQ+ activists demand an end to violence against trans people in Guanajuato after Paola Suárez case


Guanajuato. Guanajuato.- The LGBTQ+ activist, Fausto Martínez, said that the violence that trans people suffer, specifically trans women, is more common in Guanajuato than one might think.

“Unfortunately, Paola’s case became known for being a public figure, but many people suffer the same violence, even death at the hands of their partners, and that remains totally unpunished,” he said in a talk for Correo.

He added that, in the so-called crimes of passion, the State Attorney General’s Office does not give them the proper follow-up, so he considered it necessary to create public policies to prevent and sanction this type of violence, specifically against trans women.

Fausto Martínez emphasized that it is important to make the issue visible, because it is something that is happening in Guanajuato.

“We have to make visible that they are not isolated cases or of famous people, but that it is our daily bread,” he added.

The activist who leads a struggle for inclusion and rights for everyone, called for legislation on the typification of hate crimes, where the State Congress has failed the Guanajuatenses.

This Friday Correo published that the aggression suffered by the influencer Paola Suárez in León unleashed the indignation and repudiation by collectives from all over the country.

It was said that Guanajuato is the sixth entity with the most cases of this type at the national level and it was also reported that 31 of the trans community have been killed in eight years.

Fausto Martínez is the first person in Mexico to obtain a registration in his birth certificate as non-binary and is currently a pre-candidate for local deputy.

Source: Periodico Correo