They see a viable railway route to 3 destinations in Guanajuato


A passenger train that comes from Querétaro and passes through Guanajuato capital, San Miguel de Allende and León was proposed by entrepreneurs from Guanajuato.

According to local media, entrepreneurs from the service sector of Guanajuato made the request to the Federation with the creation of this railway route.

According to Noticieros en Línea, the president of the National Chamber of the Restaurant and Seasoned Food Industry (Canirac) of Guanajuato, Manuel Bribiesca, the proposal was made to the head of the federal Tourism Secretariat, Miguel Torruco.

The executive explained that the idea is that this train serves as a tourist attraction and has stops in the viceregal cities of Guanajuato and Querétaro.

The businessman quoted by Noticieros en Línea added that this is viable since the Federation seeks to promote the return of train routes for passengers as before offered on the Tapatío or Regiomontano routes.

“What we expressed to Miguel Torruco and especially me, is to see how we can put a train that has an important connectivity between Guanajuato, León and San Miguel”.

Manuel Bribiesca, president of Canirac Guanajuato “These beautiful towns could be detonated in a different and important way with greater connectivity, since we have beautiful cities and important archaeological zones”, he added.

In fact, Bribiesca said that, once the presidential campaigns begin, they will seek to meet with the candidates for the Presidency to present the request.

He indicated that the proposal is based on the need to take advantage of the benefits of the region for the tourism issue and increase the economic spill generated by visitors.

Source: El Pipila