Guanajuato Positioned in the International Tourist’s Vacation Agenda

  • The Ministry of Tourism is on a working tour in Murcia, Alicante, and Valencia, Spain.
  • SECTUR works in coordination with Catai to offer tourists the best travel experiences.

The strategic alliances between the Ministry of Tourism and the leading tour operator in grand travels, belonging to the Ávoris corporate group: CATAI, have borne fruit by positioning the destinations of Guanajuato in the minds and vacation agendas of international tourists.

This year, CATAI became the first Spanish partner to create an itinerary with extensive coverage of the State of Guanajuato’s tourist offerings. Currently, the tour operator sells tourists an eight-day travel package starting from 1,935 euros.

Agreements like this have allowed Spain to rank as the third global country in terms of tourists visiting the entity. Spaniards travel to Guanajuato mainly to learn about its culture and history, to taste the local cuisine, wines, and spirits, and to admire its architectural attractions.

To continue promoting the State and strengthen the relationship, Juan José Álvarez Brunel, Secretary of Tourism of the State of Guanajuato, accompanied by Jorge Luis Cabrejos Samamé, Director of Marketing of SECTUR, is on a working tour in Murcia, Alicante, and Valencia, Spain.

In these Spanish cities, destination presentations are being held for 250 top travel agents from CATAI – in the presence of Rosa Civantos Romero, Director of Training at CATAI; Raúl Serrano Gómez, General Director of CATAI; and Ángel Tomaty, Commercial Director of CATAI – with the goal of promoting and marketing the State of Guanajuato as a prominent tourist destination in Mexico.

During these presentations – which started yesterday and end on May 2 – the Samaras Tribe, as CATAI’s travel agents are called, will be able to genuinely connect with Guanajuato. It is a 360° experience designed to stimulate creativity and arouse curiosity about the destination.

At these “CATAI SAMARAS” meetings, not only are details of the State’s unique attractions and experiences provided, but direct connections are also established with Spanish travel agents, giving them the necessary tools to effectively promote and market this charming State.

Additionally, SECTUR awards certificates to agents who have successfully completed the specialization course on the entity’s tourist offerings, “ExperTurista Guanajuato,” a platform consisting of 6 modules that contain relevant information about the destination and provides sales arguments for the customer. Virtual Classroom.

SECTUR works in coordination with Catai to offer tourists the best travel experiences in the entity.

Source: Press Release