Street harassment on pedestrian bridges in San Miguel de Allende affects women

Women are the primary targets of street harassers, a situation that is exacerbated on some of the pedestrian bridges located along the José Manuel Zavala bypass.

Affected women shared with this outlet the unpleasant experiences they have had while crossing one of the most heavily trafficked roadways in the heritage city of San Miguel de Allende.

During a tour of one of the pedestrian bridges near the La Luciérnaga shopping center, female citizens agreed on the problem that burdens them and makes them feel unsafe.

“When we want to use the bridge, but we see someone following us, it’s scary because I’ve experienced being whistled at or having things said to me. I prefer to cross when the traffic light is red rather than endure the frustration and anger caused by disrespectful people,” said one of the complainants.

They either risk being part of the aftermath of an accident while crossing the bypass or face harassment by avoiding traffic safely.

“Advertising banners become a problem because that’s where they even take advantage to engage in inappropriate touching,” said another Sanmiguelense.

Other women who walk with their children said that harassers are not fools; among their victims are young people and teenagers.

“I come with my children, and they haven’t said anything to me, but I’ve seen young girls running because I’ve seen them cry after being disrespected,” shared the complainant.

However, some female citizens who were also accompanied by their partners mentioned that the situation improves when they are with a man, although they believe that a confrontation could get out of control and end badly.

“It’s not that there’s a harasser on every bridge. What happens is that they take advantage when they see a woman alone, and since they know they can’t do anything on the bridge, that’s why they behave that way when they see the opportunity,” said another woman.

That’s why female citizens are calling for greater police presence to reduce street harassment.

Source: Zona Franca