Commemorating the 214th anniversary of the capture of the Alhóndiga de Granaditas in Guanajuato Capital

Conmemoran el 214 aniversario de la Toma de la Alhóndiga de Granaditas en Guanajuato Capital

With more than 14 thousand attendees, Governor Libia Dennise García Muñoz Ledo led the civic-military parade of the Capture of the Alhóndiga de Granaditas on its 214th anniversary. This year it was noted for being a “Parade of the People.”

The Governor was present accompanied by her family and the municipal president.

At 9:00 a.m. sharp, the traditional flag raising and honors were held at the Flag Monument in Embajadoras, where the Chronicler of the city, Eduardo Vidaurri Arechiga, reaffirmed the conspiracy that led to the Capture of the Alhóndiga de Granaditas and the independence of Mexico.

The parade began at Embajadoras and continued through Sangre de Cristo, Plaza de las Paz, Avenida Juárez to Pardo and El Cantador garden, then the ceremony of the Renewal of the Symbolic Fire of Liberty took place in the Recinto de los Héroes de la Alhóndiga de Granaditas, scene of the first triumph of the army commanded by Don Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, which occurred on September 28, 1810.

The parade crossed the main streets of Guanajuato Capital
“The flame that we renew today represents a hope for change, to reaffirm the commitment to Guanajuato and Mexico to give everything on our part to improve the conditions of the State and also to welcome the new government with a new beginning” highlighted the Mayor of Guanajuato.

Governor Libia Dennise lit the symbolic fire

On behalf of Governor Libia Dennise, García Muñoz Ledo stressed that women also achieved freedom for Mexico and with the symbolic fire it is confirmed that the effort for Mexico must be permanent.

“By renewing the symbolic fire, let’s do it with passion, patriotism and for the struggle to build a Guanajuato that we want, it is government and society to unite efforts, so we say yes to working with the people because all voices are important” said García Muñoz Ledo.

Source: periodicocorreo