San Miguel de Allende expats will have free access to flu vaccine


The Guanajuato Department of Hygiene has an estimated 35,000 free influenza vaccinations available for San Miguel de Allende residents. Jorge Vidargas, director of Sanitary Jurisdiction II, said that the vaccinations would cost between 2,000 and 3,000 pesos each in a private clinic or pharmacy.

Hoping to reduce the high numbers of AH1N1 patients that typically come with the arrival of the winter season, first priority for distribution of the free vaccinations will be given to high-risk members of the population not covered by IMSS. High-risk groups, Vidargas indicated, including children under the age of five and adults over 60, along with people with diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), and other conditions that damage the immune system. The Jurisdiction anticipates that the 35,000 free doses will be likely to be exhausted by November 15, although the CAISES health center’s flu vaccination campaign will extend through December 31.

People requesting a free flu vaccination must demonstrate that they are not covered by IMSS and are in a high-risk group. Vidargas stated that expats meeting these criteria are eligible to receive the vaccine. 

CAISES San Miguel de Allende is located on Calle Arco Íris, N/A, La Lejona, and operates Mon.-Fri.,7am-9:30pm, Sat and Sun 7am-7pm, tel. 415 152 6210.

Source: Caises San Miguel de Allende,

San Miguel Post