Tourists try to enter San Miguel de Allende without authorization


San Miguel de Allende.- A couple of urban buses were stopped by municipal police as they sought to enter the municipality to visit without a QR code to justify their arrival in the city; the dealers whose operators carried out these actions will be sanctioned.

Vendrás a San Miguel de Allende? ahora necesitarás un Código para pasar -  News San Miguel

Around noon last Sunday, the officers detected the unusual number of buses on the La Cieneguita route, after an inspection they corroborated that buses dropped the tourist at the entrance of the town in question, later, the urban municipality transport collected them to enter the city.

It was in the sanitary filter located at the exit to Guanajuato (next to the old train station) where they stopped the drivers; later, the passengers were identified as tourists who did not have the QR code that is requested as part of the municipal protocols; therefore, they had to vacate the unit and the concessionaires responsible for the urban area will receive a sanction.

Código QR para ingresar a San Miguel de Allende – Noticias con Valor

The measure to verify reservation with the QR code was approved by the City Council last August 24 in Ordinary resolution 61, in order to reinforce the actions that keep San Miguel de Allende as a safe tourist destination with measures that prioritize the health of the San Miguel de Allende residents.


San Miguel Post