San Miguel de Allende now allows 75% capacity in bars and restaurants


San Miguel de Allende.- With the traffic light change, the government approved new provisions that will take effect as of Friday, May 7th. Hotels and bars may operate with a capacity of up to 75% and closing time is until 1:00 in the morning.

After a working meeting with the health cabinet and in agreement with the State Government’s Secretary of Health, it was determined that the hotels will be able to operate at 75% of their total capacity and in accordance with the provisions authorized in the ‘Health First’ certification.

Restaurants and bars will be able to operate at 75% of their total capacity and in accordance with the authorized capacity in the Health First certification; they must comply with the social distancing between table and table. 

The last order they can receive will be at 00:30. The establishment must be vacated and closed at 01:00 hours. The schedule for weddings, social events, or conventions will be until 00:30 hours. The enclosures will have to be closed and vacated at 01:00 hours.

The semi-fixed trade with the sale of take away food, you can receive your last order at 00:30 hours. At 01:00 hours the public space must be clean and vacated.

The Parque Juarez and Zeferino Gutiérrez , will be open in time from 07:00 to 21:00.

The public sports spaces, including the Luis H. Ducoing Sports Unit, will open from 07:00 to 19:00 hours.


Public markets may operate from 07:00 to 20:00. With the change of the traffic light to yellow, the reactivation of the municipal soccer leagues (tournaments) was authorized, with prior certification from the authority and in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Comude and the Civil Protection Directorate.

Meetings before and after sports activities are suspended. Despite the change in the color of the traffic light, festivities (including, couple races, bullfights, horseback riding, jaripeos, processions, festivities, dances), pilgrimages, religious, mass civic events, and of any kind are still suspended.

Source: Periodico Correo

San Miguel Post