In Guanajuato, 20% of police officers reported colleagues for acts of corruption


Although anyone might think that the first thing a police officer would do is report acts of corruption by his or her own colleagues, it seems that this is not the common denominator, since according to the results of the Second Municipal Police Self-Perception Survey 2024, the majority of officers (73.1%) did not report these events to their superiors.

This exercise was carried out by the Executive Secretariat of the State Public Security System, unique and unprecedented in Mexico, and was conducted from August 19 to 23 with 5,000 surveys among members of municipal public security corporations in 42 municipalities.

“Although in the 2022 edition of the self-perception survey, members of police institutions consider that 93.9 percent do their duty when reporting other police officers for incorrect acts, in the 2024 edition, 73.1 percent never informed their superior or reported the incorrect conduct of another police officer. 21.1 percent did so on less than 5 occasions” reveals the document.

They were also questioned about how to prevent corporations from undergoing changes that are sometimes negative every three or six years. The most common answers were: plans that last over time, strengthening trust between members and commanders, independent corporations, better internal processes and better training, but they also listed the minimum conditions to prevent elements from falling into acts of corruption.

“In the same sense, also in response to an open question, about the best tool or action so that a police officer does not fall into acts of corruption, they pointed out: more equipment, dignified treatment of members, economic incentives, continuous training, better benefits and recognition and trust, as the main ones” they add.
As to whether the physical conditions of the place where they work have improved, 85.1 percent say yes or somewhat improved; regarding whether the motivation to continue a police career has increased, 72.8 percent say yes; ensuring that factors such as favoritism, corruption, or attitudes of their commanders, have been aspects that have contributed to the demotivation, in those who say they do not feel supported.

The level of education of the members of the municipal public security corporations of the state of Guanajuato, increased by 38 percent in the last two years, mainly at the higher level.

Level of education increases in police officers

Only with a bachelor’s level, it went from 9.7 in 2022, to 13.4 in 2024, which implies an increase of 3.7 percent, and with a high school level, from 51.4 to 52.2, in the same period of time. In the same sense, there was an increase for members of the security corporations with a master’s level, almost double in the last two years.

The first Municipal Police Self-Perception Survey 2022 was presented in June of that year, within the work of the Legislative Convention on Public Security and Social Prevention of Violence, held in the Congress of the State of Guanajuato.

Among the results, in the 2024 edition, it also stands out that up to 80.1 percent of police officers believe that the main reason for belonging to security corporations is “to serve my community”; and 3.9 percent believe that it is to fight crime, which represents an increase of 0.3 compared to 2022.

Another fact that the study shows is that 52.4% of police officers consider that the salary they receive is adequate, which contrasts with the responses in 2022, where 57.20% considered it convenient; In 2024, when asked what is the ideal salary they should receive monthly? 52.9% indicated between 10 and 20 thousand pesos, and 33.7% more than 20 thousand, with the average ideal salary, according to the answers obtained, being 19 thousand 668 pesos per month.

“Have you thought about quitting your job?”

Regarding whether you have ever thought about quitting your job?, similar percentages are maintained in the studies of 2022 and 2024, with 85.5 percent saying no, and 14.5 with yes; and those who answered affirmatively, consider it so due to the risk involved in the police function, the attitudes of their superiors, the salary and the schedules, in that order of importance.

Asked whether they would like their sons and daughters to be police officers, 40.1 percent said no, and 39.5 percent said yes, with the latter percentage decreasing by 10.3 percent compared to 2022, where 49.8 percent said they would like their children to be police officers.

68.2 percent of the municipal police officers surveyed indicate that their main commitment and responsibility is to citizens, followed by their family, at 31.2 percent; and as to whether they feel that citizens appreciate the risk involved in being a police officer, 59.4 percent say no, which means an increase of 2.3, compared to 2022, which was 57.10, citing mistrust, prejudices and lack of knowledge of the function as the main reasons.

The study also points out that with their trust, it is the main way in which citizens could thank them for the work they do, totaling 62.7 percent; 35.6 percent ask for cordial treatment, increasing 2.5 compared to 2022; Regarding additional benefits to their salary and benefits that they would like to have, 43.4 percent indicated scholarships for family members, 32.5 percent favored medical expenses, 14.3 percent favored psychological services, 4.4 percent favored discounts at establishments, 3.3 percent favored dental and ophthalmological services, and 2.1 percent favored family recreation areas.

The percentage of municipal police members who consider that they have sufficient training to deal with a crime situation increased by 1.6 percent; 82.3 percent responded affirmatively to whether they consider the investigative function necessary in municipal police forces; 78.4 percent said they would like to perform such tasks; 81.9 percent consider that crime can be better fought, and the rest said no or did not know.

Regarding whether they consider that there should be more or fewer female officers in police institutions, 84.5 percent responded yes; Regarding whether it would bring any benefit to have more women in leadership positions, 73.6 percent answered affirmatively, since there would be more equity, sensitivity, capacity and responsibility, among other benefits; on the other hand, 24.6 percent answered no, considering that it was not necessary, describing them as conflictive, vulnerable or that they do not know and it is not necessary.

When women were asked if promotion opportunities are equal for men and women, in the 2024 edition of the survey, 63.9 percent answered yes, a percentage similar to the 2022 study; for the 36.1 percent who answered no, they explained that it is due to machismo, corruption and nepotism, discrimination and misogyny as the main reasons why they do not have the same opportunities.

Regarding workplace or sexual harassment, 77.7 percent answered negatively; while the 22.3 percent who said yes, pointed to their superiors, colleagues, managers and instructors as the main causes.

Finally, regarding the conditions necessary to reconcile family life with work, especially if you are a mother, female police officers cited flexible hours as the main point with 29.9%, followed by daycare with 26.7%, flexible permits, respect for rest times, financial support for children and psychological care, in that order of importance.

Source: milenio