San Miguel de Allende: Day of the Dead Every Day in October


Explore San Miguel de Allende’s Day of the Dead videos to enjoy:

  1. Mexico’s most famous monster
  2. Cats touring our cemeteries
  3. Barbie and Rapunzel’s roles in sudden military deaths
  4. Ghosts around Plaza Civica
  5. A color-coded guide to paper flags separating life and death
  6. Foreigners’ fondness for bone-thin Mexicans
  7. The trouble with angels
  8. How we bring back the deceased for yet one more fiesta
  9. How indigenous ancestor worship became the Spaniards’ All Saints Day
  10. The art and folklore of our cemeteries
  11. How the Mexican view of death affects your daily life
  12. The role of marigolds and Mary’s wealth

The San Miguel de Allende Secrets YouTube channel is produced by Joseph Toone, author of the best-selling Day of the Dead book in the series San Miguel de Allende’s Secrets and our top-ranked tour guide by TripAdvisor.

Each day in October a new video will premiere.  Every video is a short introduction to the various aspects of Day of the Dead in San Miguel de Allende.  Since the San Miguel de Allende Secrets channel was introduced earlier in the year it has averaged over fifteen hundred viewers each month!  A feat far beyond anyone’s expectations for a regional travel channel!

Day of the Dead normally attracts the most foreign visitors to San Miguel de Allende of the entire year while the Day of the Dead Tours with Toone are the most popular historical walking tours of the entire year.  To ensure tiny groups this year more times are being offered throughout the month of October until the 30th to avoid any crowd.

All tours require reservations at [email protected].

Videos on Day of the Dead are on YouTube under Joseph Toone. 

Be sure to subscribe to get announcements as new videos premier!

by Joseph Toone


San Miguel Post