Unregistered tourist guides and street vendors to affects tourism San Miguel de Allende and Dolores Hidalgo


Problems with unlicensed and untrained tour guides in San Miguel de Allende and street vendors in Dolores Hidalgo, problems that affect tourism in both cities.

Guanajuato, Guanajuato.- San Miguel de Allende has the problem of tourist guides that are not accredited or trained or prepared. And Dolores Hidalgo has the problem of street vendors.

This was raised by the representatives of the tourist offices of those municipalities to the deputies of the Tourism Commission of Congress, with whom they met yesterday.

Roberto Reyna, director of Tourism and Heritage of Dolores Hidalgo, lamented that “there are no laws that allow us to remove people from the street, I think that we do lack muscle and strength in the law to be able to remove them from the street, where they have been for many years.”

But he did not specify who.

In a later interview, AM asked him, and he said that he was referring to street vendors.

We would like to see more regulation,” the official said.

When it was pointed out that Inspection can remove them, the official commented that it is not so easy because they are many years old and generate seniority and rights.

He did not have the data on how many merchants are affected in his opinion.

The problem they generate is that in many cases they throw garbage and clog the sewers, which causes flooding in the rainy season.

Estefanía Arteaga, representative of San Miguel de Allende, expressed: “we have a problem of those who call themselves local tourist promoters to be able to regulate them, it is a disagreement of the tourist guides.”

She added that they have been invited to regularize but they do not want to, arguing that this regularization is federal.

The Historical Center was very beautiful, but this is a bad image”.

She said that they want to differentiate between tourist guides and tourist promoters, as in the capital of Guanajuato.

Source: AM