From January to September of this year, Guanajuato was the second state where the most atrocities were committed: 434. This is considering as an atrocity the intentional use of physical force to cause death, laceration or extreme mistreatment of a high number of people, vulnerable people or people of political interest and cause terror.
Among the records of atrocities in our state, there are 117 cases of torture, 60 violent acts against authority, 58 cases of mutilation, dismemberment and destruction of corpses, 49 murders of women with extreme cruelty and 44 massacres.
The above is revealed in the report “Gallery of horror: atrocities and high-impact events” by the Common Cause organization, based on journalistic sources.
With the figure initially mentioned, Guanajuato is in second place in the number of recorded atrocities, only Chihuahua surpasses it with 442.
Torture 117
Violent acts against authority 60
Mutilation, dismemberment and destruction of corpses 58
Murder of women with extreme cruelty 49
Massacre (murder of three or more people) 44
Clandestine graves 31
Murder of children and adolescents 31
Murder of officials and relevant actors in security matters 21
Calcination 17
Lynching attempt 2
Terrorism 1
Murder of people from vulnerable groups 1
Aggravated rape 1
And it is stated that due to the atrocities in our state, there were 566 victims counted, in this area only Veracruz surpasses it, with 2,076 victims.
Taking into account the national scenario, the organization specifies that in this nine-month period, they recorded 4,315 journalistic articles about events that can be classified as atrocities, with a total of 5,000, where there were 10,052 victims.
In the breakdown by type of atrocity, it is noted that of the 5,000 atrocities throughout the country, 1,435 were torture.
Among the atrocities in our state that the report highlights are: the murder of 10 people in a bar in Apaseo el Grande, on March 11 and the kidnapping of 36 people in Cuerámaro, on June 8.
Major social challenge
Among the final reflections of this report, Causa en Común points out that the accumulation of violence and atrocities reflects serious pathologies that present a major social challenge.
“Each citizen and each community has the responsibility to demand that local and federal governments resolve cases that have harmed the community, with solid investigations.
“It is necessary to finance projects that help document, make visible and explain the violence that is carried out in the Country in order to generate proposals that prevent and address the serious crime situation that the Country is going through,” he concludes.
Major atrocities committed nationwide from January to September 2023
Type of atrocity / number of recorded cases
Torture 1,435
Murder of women with extreme cruelty 729
Mutilation, dismemberment and destruction of corpses 496
Violent acts against authority 399
Massacre (murder of three or more people) 355
Source: AM